Thursday, October 4, 2012

stop, baby time

two of my sweethearts are due to deliver their babies days from now.  both of them do not know the gender and the suspense is killing me.  i knew both times that i was having a boy and when my precious bundle would make his appearance (c-sections).

i know that by the end of my pregnancies, moving (my body that is) was a serious chore.  but these two are much cuter and more fit than myself, so i am thinking they should dance their babies out.  let's do this, ladies.

cue the music.

jessica, this song is for you.  start dancing.
sarah, this one is all yours.  travis will surely join in this dance party.

i'll be here in my living room dancing right along.


  1. YAY! Perfect song- to slowly sway to... i don't think i could dance if i tried. BODY HURTS.
    love you!!! Can't wait to find out the sex either! ;)

  2. Yeah baby! It is a chore but I can still do a little Laffy Taffy shimmy!! Gotta teach 'em young, y'now?!
