Thursday, April 17, 2014

links from chris

it's been awhile, hasn't it?  not to worry, he's still at it.  here's a taste of the contents of my "chris" folder.

*this is chris' response to my obsession with the new coldplay song.
Fixated (@TheSnideOne)
"Fuck yes! This is my favorite part of this Coldplay song."

- me during the fade out.

*chris knows i have other boyfriends, all of whom i have never met, then he sends me videos of them.
jimmy fallon (@jimmyfallon)
Two of the best: @Nas and @QtipTheAbstract killed it on the show tonight. #IllmaticXX

*one night out past midnight sets us back a few these days.
Kim Farrell (@Bunnydurden)
There's nothing like a twenty-four hour hangover to teach you absolutely nothing.

*click on the link to see this awesome map.
Deadspin (@Deadspin)
The history of New York hip-hop in one packed map (via @NYMag):

*Our boys' motto.
Darth Vader (@DepressedDarth)
Give a man a fish he'll eat for a day, give a man a lightsaber, he can do whatever he wants.

*kelly clarkson is chris' guilty pleasure.
Ty (@Ty_Schutz)
Accidentally turned up the volume during a Kelly Clarkson song. Then accidentally stayed in the car 'til it was over.

*it's universal.
Corby Davidson (@corbydavidson)
Yes Jerod Leto, you are hotter than any woman I have ever slept with. Dick.

*sometimes i get pictures like this.

*he knows that my love for r.e.m. runs deep.
Rolling Stone (@RollingStone)
Watch R.E.M. make their national TV debut on an odd episode of #Letterman in 1983:

*if crosby had his way...
Rob Elliott (@RobElliottComic)
Me: I'll have a BLT, extra bacon, no lettuce or tomato.

Waitress: So, a bacon sandwich?

Me: Eeeexxxttrraaaa

Waitress: ...

Me: *Winks*

*another picture.  i have a thing for those kennedys.

*true love is...
IG (@samalmightysam)
I would walk over Legos for you.

*i sense a theme.

*the way to my heart is through my stomach.
Bob Heller (@Bob_Heller)
When I hear someone say, "chicken pot pie," I get excited three times.

*so true.
John Solo (@Shock_Monster)
Ironic the things I fought my folks about as a child:

1. Going to Bed
2. Eating
3. Showering

Are the highlights of my day as an adult.

*he is my biggest cheerleader.

*kids = filth
Linda in Disguise (@LindaInDisguise)
The anti-theft system on my car is just French-fries and crayons.

*chris knows this from experience.
Minivan (@my_minivan_life)
It's really weird how hiking with a 5yo is a lot like carrying a whining 5yo through the woods.

that's all folks!  have a happy thursday.


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