i have been slacking here, friends. i 'm sorry. i haven't forgotten about this blog nor do i plan on ever quitting it but i have some big news to share...
as in we, i mean he. as in he, i mean crosby. the rest of us mastered that skill long ago. but my baby, well, he had his own idea of the proper pace of potty-training.
bye diapers. don't let the door hit 'ya on the way out.
i do understand that this is not exciting for you, so just humor me. thanks for reading past the part where i spelled POOPING in all capital letters.
lots-o-things have happened since i last blogged. here's a peek:
1) my angel-pie husband booked a sitter (thanks, mimi and grandpa), took me to my most fav-o-rite restaurant in dallas,
and then surprised me with some of the very best people i know on our old stomping grounds. perfection.
2) this picture cracks me up because it was taken pre-potty success and this boy had to go sooooo badly but wouldn't so he was walking around (barely) in misery during the easter egg hunt. surrender, child! relief awaits!
3) we celebrated easter and a bajillion april birthdays with our family in frisco. my sweet little cousin has become a teenager and it makes me sad because i still want to snuggle him to death. and now that would be weird.
4) i chaperoned a field trip to the heard museum (which was gorgeous). chaperoning a kindergarten field trip, especially when hiking is involved)is not for the faint of heart. be warned.
i did get to snap this pic of ben straight macking on his gf, ella.
5) my precious pawpaw turned ninety so we threw him a party. isn't he precious?
{above is pawpaw with my cousin hannah, who just started a fashion blog. she's rad. you can check it out here.}
6) ben's very first friend turned six so we celebrated her as well. i have pictures just like this except they're in diapers. time to cry now.
7) chris' parents came in from syracuse to visit for a long weekend. we ate mexican food and drank margaritas (it's the texas way) and they spent every moment they could soaking up the sunshine before they had to return to the snow. womp, womp.

8) oh yea, i finished that half marathon a while ago and forgot to share. seven minutes faster than my last one. holla!
looking forward to my baby's third birthday tomorrow. THREE?!?!?!?! hooooooooooooow?
how was your week? what are you looking forward to?
p.s. because this post took me three days to write and because you made it to the end, i will reward you with this little treat. i'm in love.
you have been busy! what fun!! glad you are back:)