"Instead of Happy Mothers Day, I say, send love to all who have lost moms, to those who want to be moms, but are unable, to women who are moms by action, not gestation...let's celebrate women and what they do for the planet everyday, not on a Sunday in May..."
my former co-worker, sarah, wrote this as her status update on facebook and i happen to love it.
so now i share it with you.
(this blog post about mother's day struck a chord with me as well. you can read it here, lovelies).
although this mother's day ended with this sweet little nugget throwing up and being entirely pitiful and sick, the rest of it was fantastic.
it all started yesterday when the boys let me sleep until 8 (i know), then i took a serious afternoon nap, and later went to bed at a decent hour. i was a sleeping machine. it was glorious.
today (in no particular order), i dunked in the pool and laid in the sun with my favorite little skinny-dipper.

i snapped snazzy family pictures in the car while waiting for our brunch reservations at the delicious hg sply co.

there they gave us mommas a complimentary mimosa and a rose. yes, and thank you.

i even pulled off a solo trip to old navy while my guys got their hairs cut.
a lot of family time, a little alone time, brunch, shopping, sun worshipping and snuggles.
you can't beat that with a stick.
here's a peek at all the rest:
1) i had a breakfast date at my big boy's school.
2) severe storms and tornado alerts sent us into the closet on thursday. good times.
3) this boy was not-so-much feeling his school's "dress like daddy" day.
his teacher told me the belt and jeans lasted an hour before he insited upon changing into shorts.
if only he owned a widespread panic t-shirt and some birkenstocks.
4) our pool (a.k.a. the sugar magnolia swimming hole) is open for the season. it's a bit chilly, but the sun is hot, so it all evens out.
5) i ran a race at white rock lake. my big boy ran the last few yards in with me, while my baby boy fell in the lake. try to hide your disbelief, dear readers.
6) i went to see the band trampled by turtles with my two bests. it was a stompin' and twirlin' good time.
7) this guy opened a restaurant.
8) one night he was two,
and then like that, he was three.
we celebrated with balloons, his favorite breakfast, two carnivals (one with bad-a** face-paint), and a mexican food dinner complete with a sopapilla finish.
9) to milk this birthday for all it's worth, we celebrated at school
as well as at his official monsters university themed birthday party.
he's a cute little sulley monster.
10) t-ball started. although bad-attitude-ben proclaimed while walking off the field that t-ball was the "worst!ever!", we thought it went pretty well. he loved snack-time and hanging with his buds once the game was over.
looking forward to not planning an immediate family member's birthday celebration this week and PRAYING that this stomach bug only visits crosby and no one else.
how was your week?
what are you looking forward to? i'd love to know.
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