hi friends.
i have not been feeling greatest hits lately, but i most definitely need to unload some photos. and since crosby is finally asleep, the couch is beckoning , and i am too lazy to move my photos over from the camera, you get my phone pics instead. lucky ducks.
i am sorry, y'all. laziness prevails every time.
i hope all is well with each of you. please say hi!
here's a peek at my week (or two....sort of):
1) my big boy went to a rock-climbing birthday party. his whole life, we has been too heavy to support all of his weight. for example, it took him a while to learn to walk and he still can't manuever on monkey bars. well, same goes for indoor rock climbing. bless his heart. he gets an A++ for effort. god, i love that giant boy.
2) this is how cousins bond. you know, they play with phones just like we did when we were kids.

3) these particular cousins bond over lunch and sesame street.

4) i just get overwhelmed with a sense of satisfaction when i manage to squeeze all of those little hairs into a ponytail. feels good.

5) chris' good friend, after chris told him we went to the record store, asked him if he was a hipster now. do people not say record store anymore? i mean, we don't listen to records but we were there to buy records for my dad and the word record is actually in the store's name, so that has to count for something, right? here's a cute picture of my boys enjoying non-records.

6) this child. he dressed himself for scooter riding, damnit. he wasn't going to ruin his outfit just because plans changed.

7) you know those blogs that make parenting look easy and beautiful all the time? this picture is the antithesis of ease and beauty. on this particular day, crosby refused to move from this position during pick-up at ben's school. i had my hands full with my niece, otherwise i would have been able to yank him up and threaten him with scary mommy-speak. upon witnessing the tantrum of the century, a fellow school parent/kind stranger offered to get ben and bring him to me. i don't know her, but i will love her forever. just keeping it real up on the blog, y'all.

8) this angel-baby is obsessed with dogs. she doesn't care whose.

9) we went on a date! and marcy turned 35! and she had a party! a triple fun time!
10) we drank too many beers and took a lot of fuzzy phone pictures of ourselves. it's the thing to do apparently.

looking forward to my big boys coming home from their camping trip.
how are y'all? what are you looking forward to?
have a wonderful week.
Fun recap Cort....just saying Hi!