remember when i said my spring/early summer was a little overwhelming with all that is going on???
weeeeeellllll, the good news is that girls trip is THIS weekend! that was the last thing on my long, long list! i am planning it this year and there are no words adequate enough to express how excited i am that it is finally here.
so, once i get through this weekend, blogging will resume as normal. promise, promise.
here's a peek at what has been happenin' this past week (or three).
1) our addy bug turned one and had a big girl swim party. i can't handle her, i love her so much!
doofus thought he should turn one, too.
2) i introduced the boys to clips from the movie annie on you tube (best. movie. ever).
3) we had to nija pose in the bathroom, per ben's request.
4) lots of eating outside. holla.
5) bithday-partying it up with ben's classmates.
6) crosby eats ice cream cones bass-ackwards.
7) icing on the cake: an amazing night at kxt's summer cut, where we saw dawes, matt and kim, grace potter and my beloved avett brothers.
i haven't stood in the rain at starplex since i was about 19, but this concert was well worth it. as was the company.

best in show: matt and kim. dude, they are crazy nuts in the very best way.
their music makes you dance like that.
looking forward to GIRLS TRIP!
how was your week? what are you looking forward to?
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