i am not so big on my birthday. i duuno, sometimes it just seems like a normal day. if people want to celebrate it, awesome. but i am usually not the type to make much of a big deal about it.
i mean, if you think about it, i did nothing to earn my birthday. all the credit goeas to my mom. she is the one that worked hard growing me and then willingly put up with my crap for the next 34 years. my role is pretty easy in the whole scenario.
but mother's day, on the other hand. i earned this holiday. i tried for these babies, i grew them, my body changed (to never be the same again), i went under the knife, i stayed up nights, i love them every day until i am bone-tired. this holiday is special. and this year, it was particularly good.
chris bought us tickets to go see our sweet jim james at the house of blues. we had a real date in the middle of the week. we ate at a new (delicious) restaurant that we would not be able to visit with our children in tow. we laughed over the correct way to pronounce said restaurant (mot hai ba is the name. just when you think you have it figured out, the waitress comes by and proves you very wrong)
jim james was solo and the show was loud, in the best way. not a i-need-earplugs loud, but more like feel-the-bass-to-the-tip-of-my-toes loud. it was so, so good.
he sang this.

then on sunday morning, i was allowed to sleep in (all the way until 8:30. whoah!) my boys bought me roses. we went to brunch with the family to the gin mill where i ate my beloved bowl of grits, enjoyed my momma and loved on my neice. my baby boys acted like a lunatic who had never stepped foot in a restaurant before, and chris handled it like a champ. i was able to drink my bloody mary in peace.
then i redeemed a massage credit that my best friend gifted me for my birthday. i came home relaxed, made dinner, and ate outside with my boys in the gorgeous weather.
it was perfection y'all.
how did you celebrate?
I had to work that night. But not before I got a hand made card from lilbugga and then bfast from bigbugga. Took a nap while Marcus laundered all day. It was nice. The oh so glorious lining are the mommas I saw at their precious aching babies bedsides that night. Those r some mommas deserving of that day I tell ya. Happy belated bday fool.