Thursday, March 14, 2013

take me back to tulsa

did you know that tulsa is awesome? i had no idea.  i seemed to have stereo-typed the entire state of oklahoma (shame on me), so when we arrived in this beautiful metropolitan city, i was surprised in the very best way.

chris and i took one of our now signature 24-hour trips out of town.  
we stayed in downtown tulsa where building after building is in the art-deco style (tulsa boomed in the twenties).  art schools, city parks, small bars, quaint restaurants, gallery after gallery after gallery.
it reminded me a little of ft.worth: a "big" city with a small town feel.
we stayed downtown, ate downtown, went out downtown.  for dinner we cozied up to the bar of the restaurant tavern, where we shared bacon-maple popcorn, the devilled egg trifecta (horseradish, wasabi and bacon), and roasted chicken.  we drank local brews (tulsa has breweries, of course they do!). 
 it was divine.
the year ben was born, i saw robert earl keen perform six times.  since the birth of our babes, we have had to be more selective about which shows we choose.  we see him annually at bass hall in ft.worth, which is so nice, but robert earl keen is meant to be seen in a dancehall.  

cain's ballroom is just that; a dancehall with history on the walls, plenty of room to twirl and stomp, and bartenders who sell you a six-pack at a time (on the rings, mind you) so you don't have to miss the show by standing in a bar line.


art, good food, beautiful architecture, and a historical honky-tonk.
how could i not fall in love with tulsa.

have you ever been?
what did you think?

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