you guuuuuuys,
i just got back from an awesome long celebratory anniversary weekend trip with my little family. i am so sun-drenched and tired, i can barely stand it.
i can't wait to tell you all about our trip, but can't without unloading all of these pictures first.
it's the responsible blogger thing to do.
i made that up.
let's play catch up, shall we?
1) in case you don't follow me on instagram or never see me in real life, my baby wanted a buzz cut. i was pretty emotional about it before hand, but then pep-talked myself with an "it's-just-hair-it'll-grow-back-grow-up-cortney" lecture, and in a moment of insanity let the nice woman SHAVE THE BLOND OFF. he looks like a new man and i'm not sure i'm feeling it. but it's not about me, right? riiiight????
2) i don't know what's going on here, but our summer has been awesome. i mean, it usually is, but this summer feels even better than ones before.
on the third of july, we randomly decided to participate in our neighborhood's fourth of july parade the next morning. having never even seen it before, we were rookies, but i sure am glad we got our feet wet.
after the parade, we hustled to the lake where we ate too much, rode on the boat and shot off fireworks.
{i love how redneck crosby looks in this picture}.

3) because my sister is the shit, she offered to watch our kids overnight (brave soul) so that chris and i could have a few hours of grown-up time to celebrate our anniversary.
we had a delicious dinner here and then our friend bryant generously treated us with admission to see bob schneider at the granada (always a good time, btw).
ten year anniversary, for the win!
4) pawpaw went with us to ham orchard to buy some delicious peaches (and peach ice cream. duh.)
how are you, my friends? i would love to hear.
looking forward to sleeping in my bed and truth be told, going to work in our newly renovated office tomorrow. woot!
what are you looking forward to?
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