so, i went to austin for the acl music festival last weekend. i got home late sunday night, and here it is thursday, and i am just starting to feel like myself. good lord, what am i trying to prove? man, it sure is a good time though despite those mysterious bruises on my arms and what feels like shin splints. can you get arm bruises from dancing in a field with your friends?
i have proven that the answer is yes.
i am hoping to be fully recovered by early 2016.
wish me luck.
here's a small peek of our lives from the past couple of months.
1) summer's last hurrah at the lakehouse.

{boating with my babe}
{addy's face cracks me up for some reason}
2) marcy's grandmother recently found out that she is very ill.
but that didn't stop her from making her famous buttermilk pie on marcy's recent visit and sending me home a slice or four all the way from amarillo. sweet granny.

3) at ben's school's faculty softball game, we ran into our sweet friends. ben is trying to show nolan that being a big brother can be pretty cool.

4) it's the moooooost wonderful tiiiiiiime of the year.

5) everybody loves our precious pawpaw. especially when you get to drink ice cold cokes during our visits.

6) crosby's teacher came to visit us at home before school started. cros was too shy to pose for a picture, so this is the best/only one i got.
7) crosby reunited with his posse at a back-to-school playdate.
{biker gang}
8) y'all, he's such a little stinker. but this face. this is everything. i want to eat him with a spoon.
9) crosby started school. it's his last year before kindergarten. i can't.
10) we hit up late night at the dallas museum of art one recent friday night with my sis and her family. museum admission was free and we (crosby) managed to escape without destroying any priceless works of art.
{food truck dinner from easy slider. yummy.)
11) crosby's school has monthly sing-a-longs and the parents are invited. last year he made fart noises instead of singing OR got shy and sat in my lap. this time he stayed with his friends and sang with enthusiasm. progress.
12) the face-paint at national night out was on-point.
hallelujah! you made it to the end!
looking forward to snuggling a friend's baby this weekend.
how was your week, month, months? what are you looking forward to?
i'm here, still reading. love it, love it all. all the time. the end.