hi friends,
i'm here, i'm here!
y'all, summer is winding down. i can hardly believe it.
i feel like we have spent most of it tending to, "watch this!" and "mom, look" and "did you see me?"
and usually what we are "watching" involves some sort of imaginary play involving mouth-made gun noises.
how have you been?
i currently feel like crappity crap but that's ok because it gives me a guilt-free reason to rest. chris has gone to see phish tonight, which means i can't watch mad men without him (obsessed), so looks like after the boys bedtime i'll be laying on the couch visiting with ramona, luann, sonja, carole and friends. i love those bitches.
i haven't picked up my camera in weeks, so i will do my best to update via iphone photos.
in no particular order, here's what we've been up to.
1) last saturday, despite ben's strep throat (it's like his body always knows when we have something planned. it's creepy, really.), we took the boys to the lakehouse with my sister, jake and addy.
it involved the jet-ski, dinner at cedar creek brewery, late night beer drinking on the back porch (the grown-ups, not the kids), and a not-so-fun game of musical beds.
2) for the most part, they try to kill each other at least once a day, but these sweet moments DO exist. and when they happen, ben makes sure to point them out so that he can be acknowledged as a really sweet and patient brother. ummm-hmmm.

3) while chris was on his trip of a lifetime in chicago to see the dead over the fourth of july weekend, we went to the lake to celebrate and shoot fireworks with the family. i love this holiday. no presents, just fun.

4) what feels like a million years ago, i had a lady date with marcy.
she wore a cute dress and everything.

5) my cousin is fifteen and to my boys (and me), he absolutely hung the moon. here they are after one of jake's baseball games.

6) took these clowns with me to trader joe's and they managed to not break anyone's ankles with their kiddie carts. well done, my little crazy people.
7) summer heat = indoor activities.
on this day: the perot museum.

8) summer also equals peaches from ham's orchards in terrell. the kids get peach ice cream and drink dr. pepper out of glass bottles, which they think is pretty rad.
i bought a bag of peaches which were gone and in my belly within two days.

this year we had company.

9) end of baseball season was celebrated with a pool party at our house.
aren't little boys charming?
10) marcy had a kid date at her house. the girls meticulously decorated cookies while the boys tried to destroy marcy's living room.
they adore her.
11) chris and i celebrated our eleventh anniversary over the most delicious dinner at gemma.
if you are in dallas and are ever in the mood to splurge on a meal. it was incredible, even though they misspelled my name.
it was a close-call because ben got strep that day (seriously). my dad graciously sat with our sick boy so that we didn't have to cancel our reservation.
12) y'all. we saw d'angelo.
i am such a huge fan and i never ever in a zillion-million years thought i would ever get the chance to see him live. the show was amazing (even to chris who isn't as familiar with his stuff).
so now i've seen outkast, q-tip and my boyfriend, d'angelo.
all i need is to see lauryn hill (i'm so sure) and the beastie boys (sobbing) to complete my hip hop bucket list and to die happy and fulfilled. that's dramatic, but you know what i mean.

ah, that felt good.
looking forward to spending time with my college friends in a couple of weeks AND taking the kids to galveston the week after.
how have you been? what are you looking forward to?
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