Monday, April 13, 2015

greatest hits

can i get a high five?
we survived the weekend.  and what i mean specifically is that we survived fourteen first-grade boys at our home for ben's birthday party yesterday.
y'all.  the energy level.  no words.
it turned out great and i can't wait to share it with you, but first i figured i'd share what else has been going on before i forget.  here are some shots from the past couple of weeks:

1) ben and crosby were asked to be an usher and a ring-bearer in my sister's upcoming wedding.  chels and jake wrote them each the sweetest letter and gave them bow ties and suspenders to wear.  bow ties and suspenders!  i cannot even handle it.

2) we are without a church home and in all honesty are (lazily) looking for the perfect fit for us.  so easter this year had more of a secular focus than in years past!  this holiday snuck up on me this year so everything we did felt a little last-minute.  decorations were never even removed from the box in the garage.  my bad.
but we did manage to dye eggs.  topless.
we celebrated by eating our faces off at my aunt and uncle's house.  jason makes lamb chops and i kind of think about them all year long.  easter = mouth-watering lamb chops.

this kid used to hunt eggs.  now he's enrolling in drivers ed.  i can't handle it.

3) SEVEN!!!!  wtf?  how?
traditional birthday balloons
ooooh, pinterest trick: put your pancake batter in squirt bottles.  do this and you will instantly become the pancake master of the universe.
ben was greeted with silly string at my sister's house.

he loves crab so we took him to dinner where he could get down with a bucket of crab claws.
he wanted to sing and be silly but then got shy and awkward.  he's changing.... sniffle.

looking forward to my birthday this week!
how was your week?  what are you looking forward to?


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