happy snow day, dallas! again. however this time feels different. more snowy, less icy, and the sun is shining. gorgeous, i tell 'ya.
o.k. that was fun. now i'm ready for summer.
in case you need a laugh or a distraction, i present to you my latest installment of 'links from chris'. (which are tweets or links he shares with me to make me laugh. it works like a charm.)
Ollie (@ojedge) | |
Van Gogh: "Dude, I saw this hella vase of sunflowers today."
Gauguin: "Pics, or it didn't happen." [van gogh pulls out oil paints & easel] |
Being a parent of young kids is just counting to five over & over again & waiting for the inevitable nervous breakdown.
Abby C (@abbycohenwl) | |
I told my kids "BRB" and had to explain to them that it means "Be Right Back" because they had no idea how cool I am
BuzzFeed (@BuzzFeed) | |
Garden & Gun (@gardenandgunmag) | |
Get the party started with @TheB52s ultimate party playlist. bit.ly/1FKWaP0
Lucas Jackson (@CoolHand_Lucas) | |
Who decided it was ok to put a fried egg on a burger?!?
I want to shake their hand. |
Mom Edits Baby’s Photos With Makeup App And The Results Are Hilarious: bzfd.it/19lqGEy pic.twitter.com/yoymH9AKsc
* a love letter from johnny cash to june
Simon Holland (@simoncholland) | |
You could make dinner for a toddler, or you could just cut out the middle man & throw away a plate of food and squirt ketchup on the dog.
Simon Holland (@simoncholland) | |
Let's get married and have kids so instead of doing fun stuff on the weekend we can go to a kid's birthday party where everyone coughs.
Simon Holland (@simoncholland) | |
I'm at my most hostage negotiator when I see my 3 year old holding a permanent marker without the lid.
BuzzFeed (@BuzzFeed) | |
What “Parenthood” Taught Us About Mourning And Celebrating Those We’ve Lost bzfd.it/1EKcdyL pic.twitter.com/dp5Ejsz3De
BuzzFeed (@BuzzFeed) | |
Kate Hall (@KateWhineHall) | |
Not sure which is worse: stress of being late or stress of being early and waiting while my kids scream and kill each other in the backseat.
Zack (@Mr_Kapowski) | |
Sausage is not better than bacon. Sausage comes in links and patties. Bacon is like, boom bitch, I'm here. I got one form and it's delicious
Eric Alper (@ThatEricAlper) | |
Me: *digs through 50 band shirts to find the 'right' one for today*
Lisa (@LisaACOTA) | |
Whats it called when your kids are acting like dicks and you have to drink a whole bottle of wine and hide the empty before your h gets home
Eric Alper (@ThatEricAlper) | |
TIME Magazine's definition of a perfect body in 1955. pic.twitter.com/KocHeGq0SQ
Eric Alper (@ThatEricAlper) | |
me: Why am I so funny?
me: I don't know me: *laughs* |
Fluffy Suse (@fluffysuse) | |
Guide to parenthood:
Boys destroy your house Girls destroy your mind Enjoy! |

Jaxon/Jaxoff (@fillthevacuum) | |
Bourbon doesn't make me go to its mother's house and miss the game.
that's all folks! i could've kept going, btw.
on the agenda for the rest of the day:
work out- check
blog- check
hang up clean laundry (ugh, never!)
binge watch movies
cook dinner
stay warm everyone!
Love these!! I've made like 6 screenshots to make myself laugh later! 😘