you cannot tell by these photos, but we have been sick. homebound. out for the count.
although ben (the originator) tested negative for the flu, this devil-virus has passed from one member of this family to another, so that there has been at least one person sick at all times since the kids got out of school.
we are home today (again), watching movies (again), while crosby yells pitifully from the couch that he needs more water, or that he needs me to fix his covers, because according to him, no one can cover him in a blanket as well as momma. it's flattering and all, but...
i gotta break out of here soon.
i'm going nuts.
and just when i start to wallow in a pity-party of germs, i decide to blog and upload pictures from the holiday and realize that i have absolutely nothing to complain about. we have escaped the house (in spurts), we have seen family and friends, we have celebrated this holiday and we have a million blessings to count.
so shut up, cortney.
psa: since i could chew solid food (and really since my mom could chew solid food), i/we have eaten "macaroni and tomatoes", or more affectionately called "mac-n-maters', when i/we am/are sick. i am never one of those people who lose their appetite while sick, btw. eat through the illness, that's my motto.
here is the (very loose) recipe. cook macaroni according to package directions (as much as you would like). drain pasta. add a can of tomatoes and a small can of tomato juice (don't skip the juice). double this if you want. add salt, pepper, and a generous amount of butter. i have butter guilt, so i put in less that my mom and nanan. theirs tastes better, not gonna lie. treat yourself. you're sick, remember?
here's a peek at our week (or so):
1) crosby had his christmas celebration at school. he was pumped, can you tell?
2) this year we hired slow bone to cater the company christmas lunch. best decision ever.
3) once a year, we are ladies who lunch. our annual neiman's christmas brunch did not disappoint. never does.
4) chris was sick and slept the majority of the day on christmas eve, so in an effort to feel the-reason-for-the-season, i drug my kids to the children's service at church. crosby fell asleep on the way there and woke up on the way out, but ben got a kick out of almost setting his bangs on fire. we tried.
5) we celebrate with my family (mom's side) on christmas eve at my parents' house. my little cousins are not little anymore. kami wore acid-wash overalls (jealous) and jake texted his girlfriend all night. when did that happen? weren't they just babies???
6) santa got "grandma weber cookies" this year, the lucky duck. i'll share sarah's recipe soon. you must have these cookies in your life.
7) santa came! kids rejoiced!
santa drank!
8) we celebrate with my dad's side of the family on christmas night at paw-paw's house.
i adore this picture.
9) chris and i celebrate new years eve early every year by going to see our sweetheart, robert earl keen, at bass hall in ft. worth. usually it's a big to-do, dress-up, fancy dinner, drinks, concert and sometimes a hotel room. this year, crosby was sick as a dog and my dad (aka our sitter) was running fever.
i was ready to sell our tickets until marcy convinced us to go anyway.
it wasn't a fancy date like usual, but we got to see our favorite guy from three rows back. sure am glad we didn't skip it.
my baby is now crying and kicking a screaming about an ipad, so i am going to sign-off now and lock myself in another room (i kid, i kid). my rule is that you aren't allowed to cry over something that is supposed to be fun. this needs to stop, for real.
looking forward to health.
how was your week? what are you looking forward to?
have a happy, happy new year.
p.s. we also had our annual girls christmas party this year at hg sply. my robin and jessica were in town, hooray! i was sick in this picture but was still in denial. i was trying to kill my virus with cocktails.

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