Tuesday, September 9, 2014

greatest hits

last week was all about crosby.  he went back to school.  he started soccer.  he was equal parts charming and hell on wheels.

age three is tough.  it was hard with ben and is proving to be difficult with crosby as well.  there is a lot of flailing, whining, refusing to move, and bad attitudes going on around here.  but somehow this boy manages to balance it with hilarity, dancing, singing and general adorableness.

i love this little dude.

1) i bought a used piano for pennies.  it's a little banged up and needs to be tuned, but cros doesn't care. he makes up nosensical songs with words that aren't in the english language and performs them at the top of his lungs complete with a bow at the end.
2)  this school year crosby will be at the children's center full-time.  this is great news because this means he is now reunited with his soulmate, liam.
3) here's my boy in soccer class.  he was either super pumped to play or begging me to take him home. equal parts. no in-between.
4) here he is charming my socks off at lunch.  he is too much.
5) first day of school.  i swear he was excited.
6) i mean....

7) at white rock local market, we donated food at the reverse food truck.  what a genius idea. 
8) the bee man (and his honey) is the main reason we frequent the market.  he can talk aggie football and the grateful dead, so he's pretty high on chris' list as well.
9) when crosby wasn't busy having the time of his life at a bounce-house birthday party, he was rolling around on the ground crying about....well, i'm not sure.
i'm looking forward to possibly going to a high school football game on friday!
how was your week?  what are you looking forward to?


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