Friday, June 13, 2014

on my radar

dear readers, i have so much to tell you about; mystery girls trip, my recent spa day, a mini-camp with wee volunteer, plus a whole slew of goodies i've been saving for this and that.

but for now i will just leave you with a song.

you see, my big boy had his adenoids out this morning. so we are at home taking it easy. (side note: parents, always, always trust your gut.  ben has been a mouth-breather his entire life, and the older he got, the more problems it caused with the quality of his sleep.  i expressed a concern to his dr. long ago, who kind of swept our concerns under the rug.  eventually, we had to get a second opinion to confirm that in fact, his adenoids were incredibly large and impeding his breathing.  we are looking forward to meeting the well-rested version of benjamin).

what was i saying?  oh yes, the song.

i. am. obsessed.

i haven't been this in love with a song in a while.  while i love this artist's first single, take me to church (ben and i love to sing it at the top of our lungs in the car), the radio plays it approximately 42 times an hour.  this is hozier's second single, from eden.  it's still new and not over-played.  yet.

turn it up, friends.
have a fantastic weekend, lovers.  
i'll catch you on the flip-side.


p.s. here is a video we have already watched four times today on youtube, per ben's request.  he wants to grow his hair out, and i think jack white may be part of the reason ;)

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